ACT Activism

Zines that are about different forms of activism, including political organizing, protests, and radical cheerleading. This category is also for zines that include a whole bunch of different articles, and individually the articles could maybe fit into different categories like Anarchism or Feminism, but the range of topics is so large that it's better to put the zine under Activism. This can end up being a big category so try not to put a zine here unless it doesn't fit anywhere else. If a zine is about activism around gender issues, include in FEM Feminism or QUR Queer. If it's about environmental activism, include in ENV Environment and Nature.

Breaking Free of Gender Through Friendship and Attack

Black, white, and red artwork depicting women partaking in acts of anarchistic, anti-patriarchal violence and resistance, set against the backdrop of a burning village. The front and back covers contain the same artwork. The front cover, pictured, has the title, "Breaking Free of Gender Through Friendship and Attack" imposed over the artwork in pink lettering, while the back, not pictured, contains a short synposis of the contents of the zine.
A 2 page zine containing an english translation of a French blog post from on October 31st, 2017, talking about the need to destroy gender as a construct, with a focus on the oppressive nature of traditional gender roles not only in French society, but around the world.

Glenora Zine: amiskwaciwâskahikan ᐊᒥᐢᑲᐧᒋᐋᐧᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ, Treaty 6 Territory

Ana Smith and Emily Davidson share their steps in unlearning the distance that settlers have to land, as two settlers who have lived in Glenora. They say, in the introduction, "as two settler artists, we wanted to interrogate our relationship to amiskwaciwâskahikan/ᐊᒥᐢᑲᐧᒋᐋᐧᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ, specifically the neighbourhood of Glenora."