Queer Fire: The George Jackson Brigade, Men Against Sexism and Gay Struggle Against Prison

Publication Year
Geographic Location
Walla Walla, Washington, U.S.A.
Number of Pages
Physical Description
Black and white half-page zine with photographs on the front and back covers. The photograph on the front depicts Men Against Sexism member and co-author Ed Mead walking with one Danny Atteberry through the Intensive Security Unit at Walla Walla State Penitentary. The back cover depicts the same hallway through bars after a violent struggle, with graffiti on the back wall and debris covering the floor, and two people sitting on the ground.
Half-page zine detailing the accounts of activists and organizers inside the American prison system- predominantly through the 1970's- specifically focusing on activist organizations founded within different prison systems dedicated to providing support gay and queer individuals. Content includes religious freedom, communism, mentions of slavery and human trafficking, and the organizing of committees.
Copies in library
ACT 7723 (Available) | Click to view circulation history |