PER Personal | Zines that primarily consist of first-person narrative stories and discussions of emotions and personal experiences rather than focusing on a specific subject and providing information or opinions. |
FOO Food, Farming, and Gardening | Zines about food politics and issues, growing food and other plants, farming, urban farming, and food security, Zines about wildcrafting and herbalism for healing purposes should be included under HLP Health - Physical. Zines that primarily consist of recipes should be filed in the CKZ Cookzines box. |
QUR Queer | Zines about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and queer issues, identities, politics, and experiences. Zines about trans issues, identities, and experiences should be filed under TGN Trans. Zines that analyze gender from a feminist perspective should be filed in FEM Feminism. Zines that are queer but are mainly about sex should be categorized in SEX Sex. Zines that are queer but are mainly about health should be categorized in one of the Health categories. |
SEX Sex | Zines about sex and sexual relationships, or zines that mainly consist of sexually explicit images or stories. Zines about sexual health should be filed under HLS Health – Sexual. Zines about sexual abuse should be filed under SUR Survivors. |
TRV Travel | Travel stories and zines about travelling. |
ZIN Zines about Zines | Zines about zinemaking, zine culture, and zine libraries. |
CMA Comics - Art | Comics that are more artistic or expressive, rather than in a narrative format. |
EDU Education and School | Zines about different levels of school, such as high school or university, and also about education in general. Zines about homeschooling, deschooling, unschooling, free school, and community-based education are included here, as well as zines about teaching and teaching. |
DIY DIY and How-to | Instructional zines that show or tell how to make or do something, including knitting and other crafts. Some how-to zines can fit in other categories, though, such as zines about bicycle repair, which can go under BIC Bicycles, or zines about gardening, which can go under FOO Food, Farming, and Gardening. |
FEM Feminism | Zines about feminism, oppression of women, women's empowerment, women's rights, and gender from a feminist perspective. File zines about gender from a queer perspective under QUR Queer. |
AMT About Art, Media, and Technology | Zines about visual and performing arts, film, and other media from a critical or theoretical perspective. Also includes zines about technology and culture jamming. If the zine is about how to make art, include in DIY instead. |
ANR Anarchism | Zines about anarchism, anarchist theory, and anarchists, or zines that apply an anarchist analysis to an issue or topic. |
ANM Animals | Zines about animals, pets, and animal rights. This can include science-type zines that focus on the behaviour or physiology of a particular animal, zines about pets and pet care, and zines about animal liberation or animal rights. Zines about veganism from an animal rights perspective should be categorized here, whereas zines that are more about veganism from a food perspective should be put under FOO Food, Farming, and Gardening, or CKZ Cookzines if they include a lot of recipes. |
ART Art Books and Zines | Zines that are presented more as pieces of art rather than textual, or zines that consist wholly of visual elements with no text. |
ACR Arts and Crafts | Do not use this category - use DIY or ART About Art, Media, and Technology instead. |
BIC Bicycles | Zines about bicycles, including bicycle repair, bicycle culture, and bicycle activism. Zines about how to do a bicycle tour or travel by bicycle can be filed here, but zines that focus more on telling stories about a trip done by bicycle should be filed under TRV Travel. Zines about other kinds of transportation and transportation in general should be in the TRN Transportation box. |
CIT Cities and Places | Zines that are about cities and places but from the perspective of a resident rather than a traveller. They are often in a guide format. Also includes maps. |
COM Cometbus Collection | Issues of Cometbus zine. |
CMN Comics - Narrative | Comics that tell a story in narrative format and have a fair amount of text. |
DOR Doris Collection | Issues of Doris zine. |
FIC Fiction and True Stories | Zines made up of fiction or true stories written in a literary or short story type style. |
ENV Environment and Nature | Zines about environmental issues, alternative energy, alternative building techniques, environmental activism, environmental education. Also zines about the natural sciences. But if the zine focuses on animals, file in ANM Animals. |
FAN Halifax Fanzine Archive | |
HLM Health - Mental | Zines about mental health, including depression, anxiety, suicide, psychiatric medicine, intellectual disabilities, and the social construction of mental health. |
HLP Health - Physical | Zines about physical health, including alternative healing, medicine, drugs, diseases, yoga, and the pharmaceutical and medical industries. Zines about body image, fat oppression, and fat acceptance should be filed under BOD Body Politics. |
HLS Health - Sexual | Zines about sexual and reproductive health, including sexually transmitted diseases. Zines about abortion rights should be filed under BOD Body Politics. Zines specifically about women's health and menstruation should go under HLW Women's Health. |
HIS History | Zines about historical events or persons. |
IND Indigenous | Zines about indigenous issues, struggles, resistance, and cultures in Canada and all over the world. |
INT International Politics | Zines about international politics, war, and militarism. |
KID Kids | Zines about kids and by kids under 15, and zines that would mainly be enjoyed by kids under 15. |
LOV Love | Zines about love and relationships. |
MIN Mini-zines | Zines that are miniature in size – smaller than ¼ page. |
MUS Music | Zines about all different kinds of music and that consist largely of music reviews. |
PAR Parenting | Zines about parenting, motherhood, fatherhood, and care of children. |
POE Poetry | Zines that mainly consist of poetry. |
PRI Prison | Zines about prison and other detention centres, prison resistance, and prisoner justice, zines made by prisoners about their experience in prison, or zines made for prisoners. |
RAC Race | Zines about race or racism. Zines with an indigenous focus should be filed under IND Indigenous, even if they deal specifically with the concept of race or racism. |
CKZ Cookzines | Zines that are mainly composed of recipes or are about how to make food. If there are some recipes but more articles about food or other topics, include under FOO Food, Gardening, and Farming or another appropriate topic. |
RED Redwire Collection | Redwire is a Native youth run magazine in Canada. |
REV Review Zines | Zines that are mainly composed of reviews of zines. |
TRN Transportation | Zines about transportation in general and forms of transportation other than bikes. Includes zines about skateboarding, trains, cars, motorcycles, and reclaiming the streets. Zines about bicycle transportation should be filed under BIC Bicycles and zines about travel should be filed under TRV Travel. |
WRK Work, Jobs, and Labour | Zines about working, different kinds of jobs, and the labour movement and labour organizing. File zines that are focused on class issues under CLS Class Struggle. |
WAC Writing and Art Compilations | Zines that include a mixture of poetry, prose, and/or visual art. |
ZWZ Zine Workshop Zines | Zines that were made during a zine workshop put on by the Anchor Archive or another organization. Usually these are compilation zines where each person has made one or two pages and they can cover a range of topics. |
BKP Broken Pencil Collection | Issues of the magazine Broken Pencil. |
PKP Punk Planet Collection | Issues of the magazine Punk Planet. |
ACT Activism | Zines that are about different forms of activism, including political organizing, protests, and radical cheerleading. This category is also for zines that include a whole bunch of different articles, and individually the articles could maybe fit into different categories like Anarchism or Feminism, but the range of topics is so large that it's better to put the zine under Activism. This can end up being a big category so try not to put a zine here unless it doesn't fit anywhere else. If a zine is about activism around gender issues, include in FEM Feminism or QUR Queer. If it's about environmental activism, include in ENV Environment and Nature. |
CLS Class Struggle | Zines about capitalism, anti-capitalism, economics, workers' rights, and class issues. Include zines about labour or labour organizing under WRK Work, Jobs, and Labour. |
SUR Survivors | Zines about sexual abuse, rape, domestic violence, child abuse, partner abuse, and self-defense. |
MET Media and Technology | Don't use this category - use ART About Art, Media, and Technology instead. |
BOD Body Politics | Zines about body image and fat acceptance, abortion rights, disability. Also includes zines about hair and body hair as they relate to politics and identity and other zines about the politics of control over one's body. |
HLW Health - Women's | Zines about menstruation, fertility awareness, and reproductive health for women. Zines about sexual assault should go under SUR Survivors and zines about reproductive choice should go under BOD Body Politics. |
TGN Trans | Zines about the experiences of being trans, which can include transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, agender, bigender, or identifying anywhere outside of the gender binary. Zines that focus on queer identity and issues should be categorized as QUR Queer. |
FCT Factsheet Five | Issues of the review zine Factsheet Five. |