Quotes that stuck with me after I was outed to my grandmother as trans. These affirmations transformed our relationship into something irreplaceable, and when I first showed her what I had made, her first words were "you remembered."
Welcome back to PMS from Hell! In a follow up to my original zine published in 2016, this 2021 edition is an autobiographical account of the last couple years of dealing with PMDD.
One Year on T is a 35+ page zine about being non-binary and the politics of passing, transitioning, and sex. The poems and essays within capture different stages of my transition, beginning with my coming out in 2015 and then focusing on my first year of hormone therapy. I open up about my experiences as a non-binary person with the medical system, dating, sex and desirability, taking hormones, transphobia, gatekeeping, gender expression, and more.
At 50+ pages, Coming Off of T is the third and final installment of my zine series about transitioning with testosterone. In this one, things come full circle and I delve into the process of stopping hormone replacement therapy: the why, the how, the what, and the when. I am still non-binary. This is not a zine about detransitioning, but rather, going off of hormones and exploring my new relationship with my body and everything that entails.
1.5 Years on T is a 40+ page zine about transitioning as a non-binary person. It continues from where One Year on T left off. In it, I grapple with lots of questions and plenty of confusion, showing that my transition has been far from straightforward. I open up about my relationship with my body, navigating all-male spaces, gender expression, beauty standards, privilege, pronouns, next steps for my transition, and more.
"pink" is a full-color print mini-zine about the power of discovering the histories + communities of nonbinary folks & queer femmes, healing my relationship with gender & sexuality, color theory, surviving trauma & chronic illness, & of course the color PINK!