Indigenous knowledge

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The Progressive Thinker #1

"We've now lived in the current world system (or variations on it) for quite some time. The system is run by the wealthy elite and relieve heavily on outdate religious beliefs and is based on financial wealth. With the same system now firmly in place for as long as this one has been, we can analyze it and see that the combination of monetary and religious influence results in a corrupt system where the population are kept working as slaves to corrupt governments and political powers. This is very much the same system that has dominated our planet now for centuries. However, an important thread has managed to survive through the decades: the power of written word.

Redwire Vol. 10 #1: The Transformation Issue

This issue contains story telling and articles of decolonization and to fight for freedom. "We can't let a natural way of life quietly die off when the earth awakens and shakes all kinds of systems up. We have responsibilities to our ancestors and to our future to protect the balance in nature and to help shake those systems upside down when they threaten us".