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Hoax #7: Feminisms and Change

"Hoax is intended to question how you feel about feminism in relation to different aspects of day-to-day life. In this seventh issue, we want to talk about change. We aim to explore these questions and more: What are our goals for ourselves and our communities? Which methods do we use to gauge change, and is progress ever quantifiable? In what ways do we knowingly and unknowingly showcase personal changes, and how are these changes read by others?"

We are all survivors, we are all perpetrators

“To broach these questions is not to deny that there is such a thing as sexual assault, nor to defend it as acceptable behavior. On the contrary, it is to demand that we acknowledge that we live in a rape culture: a culture in which sexual assault is pervasive, as are the forces and dynamics that promote it. Sexual assault is a part of all of us who have grown up in this society; we cannot ignore it, or pretend that because we ourselves have been assaulted or because we work to live anarchy in all aspects of our lives that we are not capable of sexual assault. The only way to rid our lives of sexual assault is to open the issue up. This means we must make it safe enough to come out as an assaulter, so that each of us is able to address, openly, honestly, and without fear, everything from the most minor acts of inconsideration to the most serious boundary violations. We are all survivors; we are all perpetrators.”