class struggle

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Run This City & Short Circuit: Anarchist Writings On Gentrification and Class Power in the Urban Environment

Originally published in Volume 1 of Mortar, a theoretical journal available online at, this zine features two pieces centred around building class consciousness in urban environments. Large emphasis on gentrification processes and Marxist/anarchist perspectives.

What Better Time Than Now?

What Better Time Than Now? ... notes on consciousness and unity in US cities and prisons is a 2011 zine gathering information from several sources (all of which are cited on the back cover) that is communicated in the form of a sixteen page article. It touches on prison activism, colonization, anarchism, class consciousness, and unity.

The Worst of Times: Issue #1 to Issue #4

This compilation includes the first four issues of The Worst of Times.

"The Worst of Times aims to be a monthly vehicle for sharing critical stores, perspectives, and snark between un(der)employed/un(der)waged workers, students persuing useless degrees, and assorted ne'er-do-wells. We take an uncompromising anti-sexist, anti-racist, and anti-the boss (not as in Springsteen) stane; for self-organization and everyday struggles."