Social War on Stolen Native Land
Publication Year
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Physical Description
Half-page zine comrpised of various blog posts and editorials, with colour photographs and illustrations throughout.
A half-page colour zine detailing the perspectives, struggles, triumphs, and stories of various groups of anarchists, indigenous people of Turtle Island (specifically the occupied lands classed as "Canada") and how their struggles are interconnected. These stories come from all over "Canada", with a particular focus on articles from the west coast, and "Quebec". The zine, though compiled and released in 2016, is comprised of various blog posts and editorials from as far back as 2003, compiling over a decade and a half of indigenous stories, anarchist stories, their mutual struggles, and constructively addressing fundamental differences in their mindsets towards societal structuring, reconciliation and land back movements.
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ANR 7728 (Available) | Click to view circulation history |