Biophile - A Science Fanzine (#3) - Eels: The magic and the mystery (Aug. 2007)

Biophile - A Science Fanzine (#3) - Eels: The magic and the mystery (Aug. 2007)

A black and white cover showing a human hand on top of an ink print of a nest of eels. It includes the title, "Biophile", the subtitle, "a science fanzine", the issue number, #3, the date of print, August 2007, and the subject of the issue: "Eels: the magic and the mystery"
Author(s) & Contributor(s)
Kelly McElroy
Publication Year
Geographic Location
Number of Pages
Physical Description
A quarter-page black and white science fanzine.
A late-2000's science fanzine about the taxonomy and life cycle of eels in the genus anguilla.
Copies in library
ENV 7709 (Available) Click to view circulation history