Fashion Library Memor Zine: not just about the cardigans and spectacles

Fashion Library Memor Zine: not just about the cardigans and spectacles

Title, "Fashion Library Memor Zine: not just about the cardigans and spectacles" printed over half-toned photograph of checkerboard tablecloth.
Author(s) & Contributor(s)
Keara Stewart
Jenny Lelkes
Christen Ericsson-Penfold
Marta Cassaro
Marja de Sanctis
Helen Davies
Ann Ace
Rosalyn Smith
Justyna Burzynska
Liz Higgs
Louise Johnston
Carolyn Boreham
Tim Arscott
Publication Year
Geographic Location
London, UK
Number of Pages
Physical Description
Half-page zine of photographs, drawings and oral history text.
London College of Fashion staff share memories of much-loved garments with stories, illustrations and photos for the inaugural issue of Fashion Library Memor Zine: not just about the cardigans and spectacles.
Copies in library
AMT 6368 (Available) Click to view circulation history